Jessica Chrisman

Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

Articles By This Author

  • Your Best Self & Best Life

    Your Best Self & Best Life

    How to be your most amazing self and enjoy life as you are meant to While our environments, genetic factors, diets, hormone levels, relationships, and jobs can greatly affect our mood and life, the main driving force that swings the pendulum from hopefulness to sadness to happiness and back again is your mind. Perspective and […]

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  • No Technology isn’t bad

    No Technology isn’t bad

    …how we are using it can be though I was sitting in my fluorescent-lit office, shamelessly stalking my crush, my ex-boyfriend, and that one blogger who always has the coolest travel pics, when the head of HR appeared at my doorstep. “We want you to present on technology and how it is affecting our health. […]

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  • How to Combat Stress and Anxiety

    How to Combat Stress and Anxiety

    We all have been there, high demands at work, family conflicts, breakups, relocation, you name it. Life is notorious for throwing us curve balls and often at the least opportune time, but we can get through these phases with more grace and kindness to ourselves and others. Stress is one of the most dangerous risks […]

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  • Goals and Achievement

    Goals and Achievement

    To be human is to have dreams and desires. Well established goals that we are excited about will allow us to wake up with a sense of purpose and drive. However, when our goals are made for the wrong reasons or for other people, they can be our downfall. Here are some tips on how […]

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  • The Brain, Memory, and other Neurological stuff

    The Brain, Memory, and other Neurological stuff

    The brain is the most notoriously complex organ in the body. This article will give you a brief overview of how the brain operates, ages, and proposed ways to preserve your think tank.  Let’s start off by busting a myth, no, we don’t only use 10% of the brain. Neurologist Barry Gordon at Johns Hopkins […]

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