Sophia Deschler RN, BSN


Articles By This Author

  • Sleeping Like a Baby: 7 Expert Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep

    Sleeping Like a Baby: 7 Expert Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep

    It can take some serious self-discipline to make yourself go to bed early. Many people feel like the evenings are their only “me” time. For this reason, it’s easy to stay up late, missing out on precious hours of rest.  You may find it hard to shut your brain off when your head finally hits […]

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  • Top 11 Surprising Holistic Approaches to Combat Stress-Induced Anxiety

    Top 11 Surprising Holistic Approaches to Combat Stress-Induced Anxiety

    Feeling anxious all the time will hinder your quality of life. We live in a world practically set up to cause anxiety, with constant stimulation and fast-paced living the norm. So it is no surprise that over one-third of Americans1 struggle with stress-induced anxiety. It requires serious work to overcome the stress-anxiety cycle, especially if […]

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  • Beyond Snoring: Sleep Apnea’s Surprising Impact on Your Mental Wellness

    Beyond Snoring: Sleep Apnea’s Surprising Impact on Your Mental Wellness

    Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing for brief periods while you sleep. Experts estimate that sleep apnea affects about 5% to 10% of the population,1 but many people may have it without knowing.  You may not realize that sleep apnea and mental health are closely tied together. Sleep apnea causes you to lose out […]

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  • The Amazing Power of Sleep for Your Brain Health and Restoration

    The Amazing Power of Sleep for Your Brain Health and Restoration

    We’ve all been there: you finally get a free moment, and all you want to do is rest your eyes. But you also feel like sleeping will hinder your productivity, wasting your tiny sliver of precious time.  Between demanding jobs, upskilling, family duties, and a society that emphasizes the importance of always working, it’s no […]

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